
New world order martial law
New world order martial law

new world order martial law

This means that they will switch up tactics but with the same results.

new world order martial law

And when cetain doctors are exposed, the powers that be secretly meet with other doctors and the mistakes made by the doctors exposed will be more stealth the next time. Patients with kidney problems and other issues are given drugs that dry out those infected organs forcing those organs to shut down. When people get sick and go to hospitals, many are misdignosed, given lethal drugs which either kill in a matter of months or is given the wrong medications. So now they are willing to destroy the entire planet instead of give up rule. The children of the Pleaidians have run amuck because their power is no more.

new world order martial law

Contaminated food, gun violence, serial killings, mass incarcerations, poison drinking water, human traficking, and more, are just some of the tactics used to kill down the population. We are living in times where there is a cause for government entities, secret societies, and others to declare that there is a world population problem. White supremacists, freemasons, and Eastern Stars, long before the so-called coronavirus worked with criminals who are white collar, doctors, et cetera, and is nearly never caught for their crimes. Living two types of lives confuses most Americans and yet white supremacists enjoy the trivia. Cleveland police may go after individuals who commit crimes of all sorts but wehen there isn't crime jumping in the way the designers seek, police are corrupt. We have been trying to educate most black people about the Arab population and how they were robbing most blacks in their communities while using police as a cover to protect their schemes. Since the so-called rise of the coronavirus there are many businesses taking advantage of ordinary poor folks.

New world order martial law