Unlike a Gecko hide, a coyote hide can not be tanned at a campfire. This page describes crafting in Fallout: New Vegas. This file was taken from the video game Fallout: New Vegas or from websites created and owned by Bethesda Softworks or Obsidian Entertainment, the copyright of which is held by Bethesda Softworks or Obsidian Entertainment. Dog Belts? Créature de Fallout: New Vegas. Tanned golden gecko hide is a miscellaneous item in Fallout: New Vegas.

Go down the road but there will be some fire geckos close by and it's best to give yourself any advantage you can (because I died 8 times in a row from going in guns blazing). With Honest Hearts, a Repair skill of 25 allows you to fashion leather belts from gecko hide at a workbench, with each hide yielding 3 belts. The skin of a gecko.This item can be turned into a tanned gecko hide at a campfire if you have a Survival skill of 25, increasing its value to 50 caps.

Green gecko eggs Scripture OLD WORLD BLUES. Playing now: Fallout NV, Saints Row 2, Godfather 2. Help This Channel Grow Subscribe for more entertaining videos! save. Sauter à la navigation Sauter à la recherche.