Seems to be one problem, was the original factory.wim image was build on Vista, and I was running Windows 7. I had to download Windows Automated Installation Kit (AIK) for VISTA. I started the PCRestore as administrator and accessed the above file. I start this, and it open's Dell's restore application, then I check "reformat hard drive." and it gives me a dialog saying "Access to \tools\dp.sc was denied" However I can clearly see the file is in there.Įdit2: Past the last edit. Opened up the recovery partition and found a Tools folder with PCRestore.exe.

I can still access the Dell partition somehow, right? Just a matter of pointing something to the correct partition (the recovery partition) Am I right? Does anyone know how to do this? I usually google and come up with my own answered but sometimes I just get stuck!Įdit: Some more information, and what I am trying so far. This is also to satisfy my own curiosity. Now, this is frustrating, because I want to allow them to use their old Vista OS legally, instead of making them cough up $100 for Windows 7 (or a little less for upgrade) plus the $50 fee that I am making them pay to work on it. I do not see Dell's "Dell Factory Image Recover and DataSafe options" The Dell factory restore partition is still there, but when I hit F8 during boot-up to access the "Repair my computer" option. So, I figured I'd just back up the user data, and do a factory restore. Looks like they decided to install Windows 7, and they are getting the "Windows is not genuine" dialog that we just love to see. I have a Dell Inspiron 531 here that I am working on for a friend of a family member.